Vestments are sacred pieces of cloth that are worn by bishops, priests, deacons, lay readers, servers and choir during the worship services of the Church or the Liturgy. Those who belong to a certain Church who serve God are called an Anglicans. These Anglicans also wear sacred vestments called the Anglican Vestments.
Anglicanism is a tradition in Christianity which comprises of the Church of England and some churches who have similar beliefs, worship practices and church structures. The word Anglican originated from a Medieval Latin phrase ‘ecclesia anglicana’ which means the English Church. Those individuals who adhere to Anglicanism are called Anglicans.
Anglicans like other Church servers also wear Eucharistic vestments. The Anglican vestments are the following:
Alb - A basic garment worn in the Roman Empire. It is a simple ankle-length white robe. The alb resembles the white robe given to the newly baptized in the early Church as a symbol of having their sins washed away and the new life in Christ. The alb is a symbol of the Christian’s striving for purity and holiness.
Stole - A long scarf-like cloth that hangs around the neck, over the shoulders and down the front of bishops and priests. Deacons wear the stole around the neck and across the chest. In the Roman era it meant that power also required becoming a servant.
Chasuble - It is the poncho-like garment worn by bishops and priests while celebrating the Holy Eucharist. It was an overcoat worn by both sexes during the Roman Empire. As the bishops and priests wear the chasuble it reminds us that they are our vicars, that is, they vicariously and symbolically enact on behalf of Jesus the Eucharistic action of taking bread, blessing it, breaking it and giving it to the people of God until his coming again.
“Choir” Vestments - A different set of vestments worn by the bishop and priest when not celebrating the Eucharist are called “choir” vestments. For the priest they consist of a cassock, surplice and tippet. Bishops wear a cassock, rochet, chimere and tippet. Some Anglican clergy prefer to wear these vestments for all liturgies including the Eucharist.
Cassock - The long ankle-length robe worn by clergy and others such as servers and choirs members. Cassocks worn by servers, lay readers and choir can be of any color.
Surplice - A white loose-fitting linen garment with wide sleeves. It is Anglican custom that the cassock and surplice are the minimal vestments that clergy should wear when leading “formal” worship. The surplice represents simplicity and dignity in worship.
Vestments are sacred sets of clothing worn in worship by Bishops, Priests, Anglicans and others. Vestments are not like costumes that can be fondly used but they denote dignity among the people who wear them. Anglican vestments are now available in many shops. If you’re looking for first-rate vestments, visit and be enthralled with the availability of different vestments that are of high quality and reasonable price.